Majid Dori Transferred to Prison Exile

October 17, 2010: Majid Dori, a student deprived of continuing his education, has been exiled to Behbahan prison in the province of Khuzestan while his family resides in Karaj.

Student activist Majid Dori has been transferred to Behbahan prison in the province of Khuzestan. Prior to the transfer he was held in ward 350 of Evin prison. He is sentenced to six years prison exile in the town of Izeh.

The exile prison sentence has also been carried out for Zia Nabavi, Hamed Rouhinejad, Ahmad Karimi and Fatemeh Rahnama.

According to Kaleme, the family of student detainee Majid Dori expressed concern over the exile sentence. Based on the verdict, he has to serve the remaining five years far from his family’s place of residence. Dori’s family has requested from judicial authorities and the Tehran Prosecutor to prevent Majid Dori’s exile to Khuzestan prison.

His family resides in Karaj, therefore, prison exile is not only difficult for Majid Dori who is far away from his place of residence, but it is also hard for his family who needs to travel a far distance to visit him.

Dori was suspended and eventually expelled from Allameh Tabatabai University when he objected to the flaws in the university’s leadership and the high level of security on campus. Majid Dori co-founded the Council to Defend the Right to Education along with several other students in 2008 (the students became known as *starred students).

When Ahmadinejad denied the existence of starred students, Dori participated in the protests [against] Ahmadinejad’s remarks.

On November 24, 2009, the lower court sentenced him to 11 years in prison under the charge of Moharebeh (waging war against God), acting against national security, and disturbing public order. His sentence was reduced to six years in prison by the Appeals Court, but his exile sentence to Izeh remained.

During 15 months of detention, Majid Dori submitted his requests to authorities several times through his family, but the officials failed to respond.

*Editor’s Note: The system of issuing stars against students was developed by Iran’s Ministry of Advanced Education so students with disciplinary issues would get penalized. After a student collects a certain number of stars, he or she is banned from education. The system is primarily used against student activists.


– Maryam Nayeb Yazdi

Persian & English reports by RAHANA

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