- “What do we have to do with our government?” an Iranian man asked
loudly, after discovering to his surprise that the plane had landed on
the Vienna tarmac. “We are becoming prisoners because of these
disagreements between Iran and America.” — - “Our connections with the outside world are diminishing
every day,” said one Tehran-based photojournalist. “It feels like we’re
being made into another North Korea, and it’s not just our leaders doing
this, it’s the rest of the world, too.” – Global Post - “We’re wondering why the American government would do
this,” said Mohammad Mehdizadeh, who comes from the renowned
carpet-weaving city of Kerman and was exhibiting his wares at the
international fair in Tehran. “These sanctions will only affect people
in the trade. What connection does the rug business have with politics?”
These are but a few examples of how frustrated ordinary Iranians are with both the regime in Tehran and the international community. They cant do anything about the tyrants who rule them but we in the western world are supposed to be listening to the voices. Obama are you listening?