What would be your epitaph?

With Halloween looming perhaps it is about time we gave some time and thoughts to death and the afterlife. We can’t determine the date, the time or the manner in which we finally kick the bucket. But we can think of how we would like to be remembered after we are gone. Whether you believe in the hereafter or even if you are an atheist you might give yourself to a little fancy and take part in this seasonal quiz.

A few years ago around this time of the year in an office party we were asked to take part in a fun quiz and the winner of the wittiest answers was given a spooky prize. Just thought to share this memory with you and see what you might come up with. Don’t be shy or reserved. Give it a go even if you don’t like me or my politics – after all we have levelled out our differences by the time we go down and under – literally 🙂

Halloween Quiz:

A – What would be your final words before the Departure?

B – What music would you like to be played out on your arrival at the Pearly Gates?

C – What would you like to hear from God in your first meeting?

D – What would you like to be your epitaph?


Well lets see how you would fare with the quiz!

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