UN ask US to probe rights abuses after WikiLeaks” exposure

York, Oct 23 (PTI) The UN has asked the US administration to probe the
involvement of American forces” in human rights abuses, summary
executions and war crimes in following the “largest classified military
leak” detailing accounts of torture and killing of over 66,000

In the “largest classified military leak” in the US
history, whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks has released nearly 400,000
secret American documents on Iraq war detailing graphic accounts of
torture, killing of over 66,000 civilians and Iran”s role in the

The call for probe by the UN”s chief investigator on
torture, Manfred Nowak, came as Phil Shiner, human rights specialist at
Public Interest Lawyers in the UK, warned that some of the deaths
documented in the Iraq war logs could have involved British forces and
would be pursued through the UK courts.

According to a report in
the British daily The Guardian, which has analysed the 400,000
documents, found 15,000 previously unreported civilian deaths.

Nowak demanded a public inquiry into allegations that British troops were responsible for civilian deaths during the conflict.

said the Obama administration had an obligation to investigate them if
the “classified military leak” pointed to clear violations of the UN
Convention Against Torture, acco… >>>

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