The confusion in the Middle Eastern countries and the two ways of morals In face book it a picture of two Afghan women or Aryana women, one of them is in uniform and the other one in women clothes with the head covered by scarf, they are cutting a cake with a lot of flags on it and a black American soldier or officer is helping them. This picture made a lot of protest in the heart of our Afghan brothers, I do not know about our sisters. That this picture is bad and shows the immorality and we should shy to see such a porno graph pictures. They are so concerned about a picture which it is here a normal photo, but they are not aware of the child molesting in the country? The corruption in our countries, our women burn themselves and when our girls are going to school will be shot by the so called fundamentalists? Is the Afghan boys or little girls who are misused by the adult Afghan as sexual devices are OK? Why they do not cry for the homosexual activities perfumed by Afghans with force or with money, because the people are so poor. Is sexual activities performed to a young boy with force is OK, because he is male, too?
What they call Bache Bazi? And just a picture of female with hand in the hand of a male is immoral; the other one is a moral case? Do you know that a lot of these boys are killing themselves, because they cannot accept the sex which was performed to them by force? In the time I was student in Germany I saw a lot of love activates on the general public places that women and men were kissing each other and nobody bothered them, because they may think that is normal. And later I noticed that men and women or boys and girls live together without marriage certificate. First I thought they are all bad and prostitutes or immoral, later they explain to me that is their culture, they love each other and a peace of paper which is the marriage certificate cannot guarantee any love and passions. They are like married couple without those papers. They love each other and they trust each other and they do not cheat each other. That is their moral. Later in the time they will have a better condition they will marry with each other or they separate from each other and marry other person whom they love more. But if a foreign kissed a girl on the street, police would come to him and will control their papers. If the girl was fewer than 18 or German may be the boy would come to trouble, but if the girl was foreign, it was not so important. In the time that I was teacher in the East Africa, Daresalam Tanzania, I saw the freedom of sex or love, that brought also as you know a lot of deceases like HIV or other sickness. Are they are with the Middle Eastern measurement all of them are prostitutes? In any country and in each sides of the world there are different cultures and different attitude and different measurements. In the Middle East, in some country if somebody steals a loaf of bread, they will cut his hand, but the governor or the Sheikh of that area steal billions of dollars and nothing will happen to him? He transfers this huge amount of money to the land of nonbelievers and put them in his/her bank account and he is not a thief at all? Nobody will ask him/her where and how you got billions of dollars. What did you do? What did you invent that you have just thirty billion dollars in one of your account?
They encourage the youth of a country to fight with each other and kill each other. And they pay them for that activities, and because the people are poor and need money accept those bloody money and kill their own brothers and sisters. Is that a moral, too? They cheat them, if you kill or be killed you will go to the paradise and will stay with the hurries that are always virgin and they are very beautiful and you can make sex as much as you want. Each sexual duration or intercourse will last instead of few minutes, fifty years or longer. The poor boys and girls are cheated in this way. And the other youth who cannot be hired by them or they will not work for them should use drug, have no work, be persecuted , put in jail, be killed and if they run to other countries should be the slave of them, or close their mouths. We can see in the newspaper, that Bahais are killed, because they were Bahais, the young people have not chance to study and or to work in Iran, because they have sympathy for a group which is not beloved in Iran or their parent or even one of them had other religion. Our countries are divided in many artificial countries and in this way they made us weak and they destroy our power. From one side we are very concerned about small think like giving hand shake of a woman with a man and from the other side all important matter will be ignored, and they make our busy with useless material and we do not care about important materials. There is a quite indifference in many cases and the people do not say anything about those matters.
If to be concerned is good, it should be also for important matter, too or not? They try to encourage us for fight with each other and be proud for what ever we know and do not know. We are not well trained for work and we do not have enough experts or even experienced workers with specialist background so we are in need to foreign to help us. The poverty and having not enough people to perform the work, bring us very down in the world society place. We do not have enough medical care and a lot of us are sick and or blind because they do not have money to go to the doctors, the people are trained to kill the students and teacher, because they bring light in the society and the business people are against light and science. Our people should take care of these, too. And not only be exploded if they see a woman shakes the hand of a man? They kill innocent people because they want to learn and they are against leaning especially for the women. The corruption is bad, to be stupid is bad, and to be agent of other countries for money is bad, too. The women are our mothers, sisters, daughters or wives we should respect them and they are like us the men human being. Without them we cannot survive. We should be with them and beside them, the God created them for us or not? To force them to be clean does not work. They should be clean inside, too and not to force them. If; all men will be clean, so the women will be clean too, because women will be misused generally by bad men or not? In Islam they said that going after knowledge is a must for all Moslem women and men and they should go after science even if it is in China. As you know they advance countries are misusing us, because we do not have the same knowledge and the same access to science. They are on the top of our shoulders, because we are not smart enough, we are not clever enough and we are ignorant. If we want to be in the same level, we should learn more, work better and cooperate with each other and help each other. Do not take bribe and love our countries and work for society.
We should be united and forget our personal benefit and think about the benefit of majority and the benefit of our counties. Love and unity should be our goal and we should prepare a nice country for our children. Respect to other religions and cultures in our countries and tolerate with all ways of life, as it is in the west. So we can have nice country, if our people feel free and feel that all people love the minorities. We sorrowfully are very proud and we think we are the best, all of us want to be king or at least leader or president, we do not accept other people in the same level as we are. We do not consult and or cooperate with each other. We know everything and we are the wise one. If we have a good job, we want to take as much as possible bribes and we want to destroy all other people who are not in our band and or not are family. We will give the job to our friends or our relative who do not know about the job and destroy the system. That is what the imperialists want. Disunity and hate between us and not to act cooperative. So actually with this attitude we let them to take over and control us. The only way is just be untied like USA or like Europe. We should prevent that our young people fight with each other and they should learn to work and produce and create. By fighting with each other we will be weaker and weaker. We should respect our opposition and give them also the opportunities to critics us and no kill them. We have enough good professors and high class people; we should invite them to teach their knowledge to our young people and train them and not flee to other countries. We have the people like Molana Molavi Rummy, Sadi, and Hafez and…they can be our leaders. We should know and study the new science and be independent from the help of the other countries. So come and build our countries so our people can stay here study here and work here. If we are clever we will act like them. Is in USA bother people for other religion or race or… origin nationalities by law? Do you know that by law it is verboten to persecute people for those differences? If the people do not like black or Moslem, they cannot say it, if they say they will go to jail.
We have so many victims for these mistakes, so we should stop if we want to have advance countries. The people who said I am Moslem, did they read Quran completely or just listen and acts after a Mullah a clergy Moslem. Do the clergy people have enough knowledge to know the world and what is happening in the world? Or they have a very limited knowledge about sex and money? To have just the name of a Moslem is enough or the people should go research and study? The people who did not read Quran in their mother language, can be claim that they are good Moslem as they do not know about their holly book? Is the different between Shia and Sunni or Bahais so deep that they should just kill each other? If the Shia are ready to kill Sunni or Bahais have enough knowledge about Islam at all, or just they are trained to be a dull or robots? Why USA shows that they afraid from Islam. Did they study Islam properly? Or they afraid just from a name? Has Islam with Christianity a huge difference? Or they are very similar in many cases with each other? If you want to know the truth, there should be a debate or discussion in TV and the people who are knowledgeable of each religion come there and speak about their religion. In this way we will see that most of religion connected to Abraham is the same or very similar. May be in this way the hate will go away and love and unity will replace it. The people who were waiting for the 12 Imam, in the Nasereddin Shah a religious person named Seyed Mohammad Ali Bab from Shiraz told the people that he is the 12th Imam.
And a lot of people who were mostly Islamic clergies have accepted him as the 12th Imam. Between them were important people also like Manucher Khan who was the governor of Esfahan. Later he was executed in Tabriz by a Silakhori soldiers. The Armanish soldiers whom their general was Sam khan did not want to execute them for the second time as in the first time, their 750 bullets could not kill him and so many people in Tabriz after seeing this miracle said that the 12th Imam is disappeared again. The first time as the cloud of smoke was gone, the people saw that the Bab and his flower is not there any more and all the 750 bullets are missed them. They thought that was a miracle. Many of them got the flowers of Bab. The government killed more than 30,000 Babis or Bahais. They fight with the government like lions and the government to Iran could not surrender them. Until; they send Quran to them and asked them not to fight, and they accepted the invitation for discussing, and the government killed all of them. Even they say the Bab wrote a letter in which he was sorry about his claim and asked for forgiveness, but still they killed him? Is not a better idea that the whole matter be discussed in TV and so the people will know exactly what has happened and what is the Bahai or Babis. Now after the holly Islamic revolution more than 200 Bahais are executed. 10 beautiful young girls, young women and children have been persecuted in Shiraz because they were born in a Bahai family, is it right? Thousands of Bahai lost their wealth and works and their friends and country, because they were Bahai or half Bahais or they had Bahai family. Is this OK? Because they said that the 12th Imam had come and has been killed in Tabriz? If we can have a discussion in TV between all these religions, may be a lot our problems will be solved. We will not have devices in the hands of Imperialists, communists, capitalists or Zionist to divide us more and make our countries smaller and smaller. So many Ayat Ezam and so many scientists in the Islam we have and we do not make a debate or discussion in TV guided by those huge Islamic scientists? Why? So in this way our independent will be more guarantee and the super powers cannot use our negative points any more. And they cannot bring disunity between us any more, if we decide to be completely united.
And they cannot take advantages of our fight and sell their weapons and drugs very expensive to us. You may be heard that BBC told also that the war between Iran and Iraq was a play, the west and east control both side so good that none of them could be a winners, the winner were the companies that make billions of dollars with this war. We lost our children and young people or old ones and our wealth and they gained money from our disasters. If we want to be not their dull or devices for play, toys, we should be united and there is no other way. We can solve also our problems with discussion and by experts in those fields. We can take care of Caspian Sea, Persian Gulf and other problems. The advanced countries afraid that we will be like Japan and they cannot misuse us a market for their products. They want that we fight for religions and other excuses, so they can control us and stop us from progress. We wish one day all religion flowers in the Middle Eastern countries will be united and their leader speak with each other and solve the problem, the truth should be one. And only the definition is may be different. A child who born in a Bahai family will be a Bahai, why she/he should be killed? We hope, we will be nice to each other and for our believes we do not persecute each other by force and killing each other. In this way we make the enemies happy. And our people will suffer more and more. Millions of our people are addicted, millions of them lost their countries, millions of them have no work, and millions of them have no place to live and study. Who will use this situation? It is clear that few of us will have a lot of possibilities, but is it nice if our neighbor is hungry and we have too much food? We should think about everybody before they get angry and destroy us again and again. The people who have now huge capital and power should know that the life is short and that is a good name or bad name which remain, none of us is immortal, but the Satan will cheat us that we are immortal, even if you let too much money for your children, they may use it in a bad way, because they did not earn that money by themselves. So many people from our countries have been killed and or lost their wealth and family. Is it not enough? We should start to love each other and our countries. In the hope that one day we will also solve our problems with each other in a friendly logical way like the so called advanced countries. And we will build our countries again with a lot of universities, enough work and productions and enough hospitals and medical care. Jesus saw one day a man who was killed on the road, he said, O man whom did killed that you are also have been killed and who will kill the one that killed you. Drink wine, burn the mosque and do not bother the human being. Put a tree of friendship and destroy the tree of hate and disunity. The friendship tree will give you loving fruits and the tree of hate brings for you disasters and killing.