EU & The military option

Yesterday the European Union Foreign ministers meeting in Luxemburg decided on a new set of sanctions against IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic.

The new sanctions tighten some of the gaping holes in the previous sanction resolutions. It also imposes new restriction on the movement of the Islamist Rapist officials, their cargo, bank accounts and most importantly on oil and gas equipment and financing.

Although the sane world’s sanctions– both UN approved and the unilateral ones– are an integral part of  facing up to the nuke acquiring messianic Islamist Rapists and their Islamist barbarism internally and exporting and financing it externally, but in and of itself sanctions are not enough to do the job.

To get rid of the Iranian men, women and children raping, maiming, torturing and murdering Islamist Rapists, a moratorium on oil and gas purchase is a must.

There are only two ways to get rid of the weaponized nuke acquiring messianic Islamist Rapists bent on “managing the world”.

The least costly way is while starving IRR of the means to further suppress the enslaved Iranians, to openly help the fed up people with material support to overthrow the Islamist Rapists, “reformers” and all. Failing to do that, the military option will be it which need not be.

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