Three months ago this week, one “via Christ Davis” posted a blog accusing me and another blogger of being part of “neo-con machines at”
Among the things the blogger said was:
“I am in the process of writing a larger article, due to my identification the real identity of Fred and a few others on this forum who constantly attack NIAC and propagate a pro-Israeli agenda. Without revealing too much, I have also identified the New York based PR firm that pays and trains “Fred.”
Well nothing came of this expose from this person who also had said:
“In the process of writing this article, I have reached out to a few people, including Dr. Trita Parsi.”
I called this cyber hired assassin to the task and dared him to reveal all that he knows about me. Unfortunately like other NIAC lobby cyber hatchet man he talked the talk but couldn’t walk the walk.
I even challenged NIAC lobby to publicly disown this cyber assassin who had said he had talked to their lifetime president and chief lobbyist on the phone about his “big article”. But, sadly, when it comes to inconvenient truths, NIAC lobby does not do “community outreach”, to muffle the critic, it sues.
So if that is the best NIAC lobby and its cyber goons and smattering of populist demagogues can do, well keep on doing it, you are doing a fine job.