Questions For NIAC Official

Dear NIAC official,

1. Has Dr. Trita Parsi given a lecture or lectures for the CIA? Please a simple “yes” or “no.”

2. How many times has Dr. Trita Parsi presented talks for the CIA? Please a simple number like “1,” “2,” “20.”

3. How many times has Dr. Trita Parsi provided consultations for the CIA? Lets define “consultation” as “any question and answer session.” Please a simple number like “1,” “2,” “20.”

4. Is the decision to provide a talk to the CIA by the President of NIAC, a personal decision by Dr. Parsi or is it an organizational decision by NIAC?

5. Before the article by Lake, did the NIAC organization inform its members that the President of NIAC has presented lecture or lectures for the CIA? Please either “yes” or “no.”

In July 2009, Dr. Parsi wrote the following on Mr. Bijan Khajepour:

In the article Dr. Parsi writes that he has known Khajepour “years ago.” In this article, Dr. Parsi also writes about Mr. Khajepour

“He is a self-made man, who built a solid reputation as one of the country’s leading economic and political analysts as the founder and CEO of Iran’s leading business consultancy, Atieh Bahar Consulting…”

Obviously based on the article by Dr. Parsi there has been a relationship between Dr. Parsi and Mr. Khajepour.

6. What has been the relationship between NIAC and Atieh Bahar?

I am grateful for your honest answers in this public forum. I hope we can continue this discussion with mutual respect. From the very little I know about your organization, I strongly oppose it. However, I am interested in learning from you about your organization. I hope NIAC believes in and practices a policy of providing honest answers to those who ask questions.



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