There was a time when IAEA, under the management of its Egyptian Director General, rattled off ambiguous reports one after another about the nuke activities of IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic. Giving IRR and its supporters and nuke lobbyists the means to say, see, even IAEA says it is kosher.
Nowadays the IAEA under the decidedly no-nonsense professional management of its Japanese Director General, Yukiya Amano, issues report after report declaring IRR’s vast illegal nuke program unverifiable as being for “peaceful” intentions, and that IRR is not cooperating to resolve the outstanding issues.
I seem odd to me that IRR or its supporters and nuke lobbyists are not quoting IAEA reports no more, something they did all the time. Could it be they are thinking by ignoring the truth it will go away?
Islamist Rapists are hell bent on getting weaponized nuke; this will bring biblical devastation on Iran, Iranians and the vital ME region. The sooner the sane world helps fed up Iranians with material support to overthrow IRR, the sooner peace can begin to get some traction in the Middle East.