Mother of Student Activist Dies from Heart Attack after Raid by Intelligence Agents

The mother of student activist Arash Sadeghi suffered a heart attack after Intelligence agents stormed into her home at 4:00am. She died four days later in the hospital. The incident occurred just days after Sadeghi was released from prison on a temporary leave. Sadeghi had not been re-summoned to court nor did he receive a telephone call from the judicial authorities.

Sadeghi was arrested after the disputed 2009 Iranian Presidential election and spent a year and a half in prison before he was granted prison leave. During prison interrogations, Sadeghi’s shoulder was dislocated twice and he received a broken tooth. He was sentenced to six years in prison and a three-year suspended prison term was also added on after his trial in court.

Arash Sadeghi is a Master’s philosophy student at Allameh Tabatabai University and a member of the Islamic Participation Front of the same university.

 Translation by: Siavash Sartipi

– Maryam Nayeb Yazdi, editor 

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