An indictment to be issued by the Special Tribunal for Lebanon was reportedly based on testimonies made by a new “king witness” – former Iranian Brig. Gen. Ali-Reza Asgari.
Asgari, a retired general of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps, was former deputy defense minister and former Cabinet member of Iranian President Mohammad Khatami.
Ad-Diyar newspaper, which carried the report, said Asgari was close to Hizbullah commander Imad Mughniyeh who was assassinated in Damascus in February 2008.
Asgari, who made his statements before the U.N. investigation committee some eight months ago, said Hizbullah “carried out” Hariri’s assassination.
According to Ad-Diyar, Asgari is also suspected of giving information about Mughnieyh to Israeli and US intelligence that facilitated his assassination.