Why the heck, Mahmoud didn’t inaugurate the Bushehr plant?

Mamouhd Ahmdinejad, better known as A.N. in Iran, is a populist leader who till now said billions of things which were mostly wind in the air. Everyone around the world is aware of these lies and I’ll not present them here, as it would be an insult to the intelligence of many Iranians, and is also beyond the scope of this blog. I’ll just highlight that these lies begin also to annoy many official inside the regime (Just for an example, Massih Mohajeri, the Jomhoori eslami CEO (who is designated directly by Khamenei) recently asked the Guardian Council to disqualify Ahmadinejad because of his ceaseless lies. For the islamist residents on IC who happen to understand Farsi there is a wiki page enumerating some of A.N.’s lies)

Anyway, till now Mahmoud, the populist, has inaugurated every finished and unfinished Iranian factories and plants. And sometimes, he has even inaugurated unfinished factories several times just to say, hey look it’s thanks to me that Iran is so modernized!

My question is simple: Why Mahmoud, the populist, hadn’t and even didn’t go to Bushehr for the inauguration of the Bushehr Plant? Isn’t he the wipe-wipe guy talking about the “hagh mossalam” and other related stuffs till he’s in charge of Iran? So, how does it do that Mahmoud didn’t inaugurate the Bushehr plant and in the same inauguration week the Stuxnet Cyber worm forced the authorities to shut down the whole n-billiard dollar plant? Am I fabricating a story for myself or are you too, are suspicious that if Mahmoud didn’t know about Stuxnet, he would probably have inaugurated the plant in order to associate his atomic face to the event?

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