EIF aims to raise awareness of Iranian culture and helps to integrate it with other cultures in Scotland.

EIF aims to raise awareness of Iranian culture and helps to integrate it with other cultures in Scotland.  There are seven categories (arts, books, comedy, film, food, lectures, and music) with events taking place in venues across Edinburgh.

The festival is being organized by a dedicated team of volunteers.

Opening Ceremony

– Lecture by Professor the Baroness Haleh Afshar
The event will involve a keynote lecture by Professor the Baroness Haleh Afshar, from Politics and Women’s Studies in University of York. Professor the Baroness Haleh Afshar serves as a Crossbench Peer in the House of Lords. Professor Afshar will be delivering a lecture on British/Iranian/Muslim identity, a topic very close to the essence of Edinburgh Iranian Festival. The ceremony will include free refreshment, live piano music, and a private viewing of the Bazaar at the end of the ceremony.



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Iranian Singles

Recipient Of The Serena Shim Award

Serena Shim Award
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Meet your Persian Love Today!