ROYAL FORUM: Crown Prince of Serbia Seeks to Restore The Monarchy

Alexander, Crown Prince of Yugoslavia advocates a constitutional monarchy in Serbia and sees himself as the rightful king. He believes that monarchy could give Serbia “stability, continuity and unity”.

One on One – Crown Prince Alexander of Serbia interviewed by Riz Khan- Jan 2nd, 2010:

Part I:

Part II:

Richard Quest Interview With HRH Crown Prince Alexander for CNN:

The Martyred King Alexander 1st:

Amazing newsreel shows the assassination of the Yugoslavian king Alexander in 1934 in Marseille France

During a State Visit aimed atstrengthening the defensive alliance against Nazi Germany

Crown Prince Alexander and Wife Princess Katherine Batis of Athens (whom he married in London in 1985)

on American TV in Indiana (Indy TV):

Promotional Film on the Crown Prince’s Charity work on his 6th Year after his return to his Homeland:

Kings of Serbia-Yougoslavia:

About The Crown Prince of Yougoslavia:

Alexander, Crown Prince ofYugoslavia, also known as Alexandar Karađorđević (Cyrillic: Александар Карађорђевић;born 17 July 1945), is the last crown prince of the former Kingdom of Yugoslavia and the head of the House of Karađorđević. Alexander is the onlychild of former King Peter II of Yugoslavia and Princess Alexandra of Greece and Denmark. He prefers to be known as “Crown Prince Alexander”, the title he was born with when hisfather was still King.

With the formation of a communist dictatorship and the subsequent disintegration of the state of Yugoslavia, Alexander is now a proponent ofre-creating a constitutional monarchy in Serbia.

Alexander first came to Yugoslavia in 1991. He actively worked with thedemocratic opposition against the regime of Slobodan Milošević and moved to Yugoslaviaafter Slobodan Milošević was deposed in 2000. InMarch 2001 Yugoslavian citizenship was finally restored to him by thegovernment and the property seized from his family, including royal palaces,was returned.

Alexander is a proponentof re-creating a constitutional monarchy in Serbia and seeshimself as the rightful king. He believes that monarchy could give Serbia”stability, continuity and unity”.

Many members of politicalparties and organizations support a constitutional parliamentary monarchy inSerbia. The Serbian Orthodox Church has openly supported the restoration of themonarchy.The assassinated former Serbian Prime Minister Zoran Đinđić was often seen in thecompany of the prince and his family, supporting their campaigns and projects,although his Democratic Party never publicly embraced monarchy. It seems noparty is ready to energetically push the issue of constitutional monarchyeither because the country has more pressing problems, or because they don’twant to drive another wedge into the already fragmented electorate.

Crown Prince Alexander IIhas vowed to stay out of politics and has so far fulfilled this promise. He andCrown Princess Katherine spend considerable time associated with humanitarian work.

The Crown Prince however has increasingly participated in public functionsalongside the leaders of Serbia, the former Yugoslav republics and members of the diplomatic corps.

On 4 March 2007 CrownPrince Alexander announced the plans to return the remains of his late father King Peter II back to his homeland inthe now Serbia, and to be buried in thecrypt of the Royal Family mausoleum Oplenac, where Karađorđe Petrović (the dynasty’s progenitor), King Peter I, King Alexander I, and all other members ofthe Royal Family have been buried.

He has not yet set a date for returning his father, but may do so forspring of 2011. The plan has caused controversy among a minority ofSerbian-Americans since Peter II according to them personally chose St. SavaSerbian Orthodox Monastery as his final resting place.[16] Most of King Peter II’sancestors are buried in the Royal Mausoleum at Oplenac. King Peter II’s mother, Queen Marie of Yugoslavia is buried at the RoyalBurial Ground, Frogmore near Windsor Castle, Windsor, United Kingdom. Crown Prince Alexanderwould like to see his paternal grandmother buried next to King Alexander I.

Official Website:

Official Website of The Serbian Royal Family

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