Dubai Customs foils attempt to smuggle drugs

DUBAI – Dubai Customs has seized a large quantity of drugs carefully hidden in a cargo shipment, which originated from Iran on its way to Malaysia via Dubai and Singapore.

Dubai Free Zone and Customs Corporation executive chairman Ahmed Butti, in a press conference attended by Malaysian consul general to Dubai Ahmed Fadil Shamsuddin and UNODC program coordinator Boris Znamenski, Ports, revealed that the team of inspectors at Dubai Customs at the Cargo Village successfully managed to detect 113 kg of the ‘Crystal’, an internationally prohibited substance, hidden in plastic reels in shipment in transit.

The seized material, crystal methamphetamine also known as metamfetamine (INN), methylamphetamine, N-methylamphetamine, desoxyephedrine, and colloquially as meth, is a potent central nervous system stimulant that affects neurochemical mechanisms responsible for regulating heart rate, body temperature, blood pressure, appetite, attention, mood and emotional responses associated with alertness or alarming conditions. Meth speeds up the brain and gradually damage its cells.

Butti, in the press conference, revealed the details of the seized goods operation saying that customs inspectors suspected in a parcel when they examined information of the bill of landing and then they manually searched the contents and found the drugs.


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