‘Israel involved in Kosovo organ trade’

A European Union prosecutor who says Israel has been trading with an
elaborate organ trafficking network in Kosovo has brought the case to
Pristina District Court, a report says.

Jonathan Ratel, who serves in Kosovo as part of the EU’s rule of law
mission, has announced that the seven suspected Kosovons working as
physicians for a clinic called Medicus in the capital, Pristina, belong
to an international network that trades in the organs of people
suffering from extreme poverty, the Associated Press reported.

The donors were from Moldova, Kazakhstan, Russia and Turkey and were
enticed with the false promise of payments as much as 20 thousand
dollars. However, they never got any money.

There are also charges pressed against an Israeli individual and a Turkish doctor who have not been arrested yet.

The organs were illegally removed from the victims and transplanted
into rich recipients most of whom were from Israel, Canada, Germany and

Among the suspects are some of Kosovo’s most famous doctors. One of
them used to be permanent secretary of health and gave the clinic a
false license. Also Dr Lutfi Dervishi, a university professor, who is
said to be the ringleader of the group, set up the operations.

Police were alerted to the network in November 2008, when a Turkish
man, Yilmaz Altun, appeared exhausted at Pristina airport while waiti…

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