Vote in PAAIA Board Election

The Public Affairs Alliance of Iranian Americans (PAAIA) is pleased to announce that the election for the organization’s 2011- 2012 Board of Directors will take place from January 6th through the 14th. PAAIA’s Board of Directors manages and directs the organization’s affairs and policies.

One of the distinguishing hallmarks of PAAIA since its inception has been its transparent governance structure and the limitation on the term limits set for its Board of Directors. PAAIA Board members are elected for a 2 year term. In addition, no Board member can stand for election beyond two consecutive terms.

On January 6th, the slate of nominees for election to the Board will be announced to eligible members who will be invited to vote over the following week. In accordance with the organization’s by-laws, the Board of Directors must be comprised of Trustees and members who are not Trustees. Voting is open to all donor members who have contributed $75 or more to PAAIA in 2010 or individuals who signed up as a student, an early professional, or a senior member prior to September 2010. Voting instructions will be sent by email to eligible members. Candidate bios and ballots will be available in the Members Only section of PAAIA’s website.

PAAIA values the support and generosity it receives from all its members and volunteers. Non-donor members who are interested in participating in the election may sign up before December 31, 2010 to be eligible to participate in the election. Join now. If you are unsure about your member status, please contact for verification.

The Nominating Committee of the Board of PAAIA is pleased to present the following slate of candidates for the PAAIA election.

Pouria Abbassi
Mina Amir-Mokri
Sharon Baradaran *
Mary Bavafa
Hamid Biglari *
Majid Fateh
Ali Ebrahimi *
Nazie Eftekhari
Shoreh Ershadi
Tamilla Ghodsi *
Yousef Javadi *
Mariam Khosravani *
Akbar A. Lari *
Farhood Malek *
Mohsen Moazami *
Ali Mojdehi *
Firouz Naderi *
Francis Najafi
Asghar Nosrati
Sanam Quraishi
Nariman Teymourian *
Marty Youssefiani

* Designates current board member up for re-election.

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