In the pouring rain outside the Great American Music Hall after Abjeez concert, a group of bloggers were gathered around JJ and were thanking him for the free tickets. They were very pleased with the performance. But JJ looked tired and non-engaging. He wasn’t even taking pictures for the blog.
Monda: “What’s the matter JJ? Are you ok? You haven’t said a word all night. Is it my zucchini soup?”
JJ: “Oh no. We got serious money problems. The advertisers are cutting back. Only the Tea Party, AIPAC, US Army and the I.R. Regime are willing to pay the big bucks. Karzai just pulled out un-announced. You know the situation Anonymouse. You have seen the books.”
Anonymouse: “Things are not looking good! We can’t go public with the company yet and they are raising the rent and the fees are going up all over.”
Ari, who has recently resigned from AIG Hedge Fund and is now making home-brew in his garage shook his head. “I can go commercial with my pale ale, but the competition is stiff.”
Sargord: “I am sure that I can get a job with Press TV, convert to Islam and learn how to read Ghoran like Tony Blair’s sister-in-law. I think it is going to work. I am finally going to get paid for supporting the Regime! I can live without the pork and bacon, but the beer is the problem. Ari, can you make some non-alcoholic beer for me?”
Faramarz: “How about a dude and dudette ranch and Shia rehab facility for the rich and famous. They can check in confidentially and address their issues through religion, Persian culture and poetry. I know Doctor Mohandes has a parcel of land by Lake Tahoe. We can attract celebrities like Lindsey Lohan, Charlie Sheen, Madonna and Mel Gibson.”
Divaneh: “It will be a spiritual resort where they can convert to Shia Islam and cleanse their souls. Men can have up to 4 Sigheh while they are staying there! But who is going to circumcise Mel Gibson? The man has a rage problem!”
Anahid: “How about the women? Just to be fair, they should get 4 toy-boys or man-babes too!”
MPD: “I like it. No, I really like it!”
Rea: “I don’t have the energy for 4. Can we cut it in half?
Maziar: “Sign me up! I can be a toy-boy for Paris Hilton and I know how to fix a mean martini!”
Cousin Bavafa: “We have a couple of horses in our farm just outside of Atlanta. I can fly them to Tahoe. One of the horses is old, blind in the left eye and limps a bit, but he gives a good ride!”
Shazde: “What if Charlie Sheen or Madonna want their 72 virgins immediately? Where are we going to get the virgins? Any virgins in the pro-Regime crowd?”
Hamsade: “Not a chance! They do everything under the table; booze, sex, you name it! How about the Reformers?”
MM: “Are you kidding me? They change their minds so many times, you don’t know if they are coming or going! How about the Lefties?”
Targol: “That horse left the barn many years ago! We can give them a long-winded argument until they forget about the virgins!”
Virgin Goth: “my bf saz im gd in bd!”
Dirty Angel: “Pffft, Yuck, Yum, Yum!”
JJ: “I think it’s going to work. We don’t need US Army ads. I’ll let General Petraeus know. Let’s go to a Mel’s Diner and have some eggs!”
Note: Inspired by the fine writings and great comments of many bloggers.