What a despicable slogan for Iranian soccer team!

As it is seen in the photo, the slogan for Iranian Football team bus in the AFC Asia Cup 2011 is: “Princes of Persia.” Unfortunately, slogans such as this one are very normal in Iran that its non-Persian population are subjected to racism and discrimination by not only the government but also by the society. The slogans for all 16 participating countries are:Australia: “We’re the Thunder from Down Under”Bahrain: “Think Once, Think Twice, Think Bahrin”China: “The Rising Dragon”India: “11 Players, A Billion Heartbeats”Iran: “Princes of Persia”Iraq: “The Lions of Mesopotamia”Japan: “Samurai Blue! Top of Asia”Jordan: “Al Nashama are coming”Korea DPR: “Win with Fight and Courage, Bring the Crown to the Motherland”Korea Republic: “Return of the King, Pride of Asia!”Kuwait: “This Is The Blue Wave”Qatar: “Al-Annabi”Saudi Arabia: “The Green Falcons”Syria: “Red Eagles”United Arab Emirates: “A Million Welcomes The Whites”Uzbekistan: “Strenght is in Unity!”

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