Hall fetish

It seems folks running IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic, have developed an Islamist fetish for the American woman Hall Talayan.

You know Hall, she is the “American spy” who IRR claimed was caught with “spying equipment concealed in her teeth” trying to cross into Iran. After Islamist Rapist officials changed their story half a dozen times, it became clear the whole thing was a made up story.

However, now IRR’s chief spook has put a new twist to the story. According to one of the Islamist Rapist’s news agencies, Haji Moslehi has said of Hall:

“This person [meaning Hall, the American spy with the interesting dental work] claiming she is threatened by the Americans had asked for asylum from Iran. [our] Friends checked her story out; they realized it has no merits and denied her entry into the country.”



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