It is weaponized nuke after all

In a spectacular flop of a propaganda campaign, all the invited ambassadors from the five plus one sane world powers declined the “all expense paid” nuke tour offered by IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic.

If that embarrassment was not enough, today a Norwegian newspaper paper has published a damning Wikileaks papers on IRR’s acquisition of weaponized nuclear activity.

Aftenposten reports:“”For years, Iran has been working systematically to acquire the parts, equipment and technology needed for developing such weapons, in violation of U.N. sanctions against the country’s nuclear and missile program,” 

IRR is after weaponized nuke, the sane world will not tolerate the messianic Islamists bent on “managing the world” to have nuke weapons. It is best for this anti-Iran and Iranian regime be overthrown by the Iranian people.

The sane world has to make up its mind, either help the fed up Iranian people with needed material support to do the job now, or get ready to pay the necessary cost of blood and treasure later. Impose airtight sanctions which include sale and purchase of blood oil and gas NOW.

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