لطفا برای گزارش فارسی بر روی لینک کلیک کنید
January 20, 2010 – Based on unofficial reports, two young Kurdish men from the city of Piranshahr (in Iran Kurdistan) have been sentenced to death by public stoning. The sentence was determined after two court sessions and issued to Ayoub and Mosleh for what appears to be the crime of engaging in an illicit sexual relationship with a teenager who was between the age of 15 to 17 at the time. It is understood that the two young men did not have any legal representation at any stage from the time of their arrest. According to Iran’s Islamic law, the age of criminal responsibility for boys is set at 15 lunar years. Ayoub and Mosleh were reportedly 18 and 19 years old.
The two young men are accused of filming the sexual act to extort the alleged victim. While in custody, the teenager confessed against Ayoub and Mosleh, claiming that he was repeatedly raped and blackmailed for money. Human rights defenders state that the teenager’s claims are unlikely since, normally, youth in small towns do not have access to much money, and having reached fifteen years of age, he too would have been charged if he was a willing partner in the sexual act.
Various sources and human rights activists have reported that Ayoub and Mosleh were taken into custody after the video of the sexual act was discovered on one of their cellphones. A credible source has indicated that the sexual act in question was consensual.
It is difficult to determine the real facts since authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran have not made public the official charges against Ayoub and Mosleh or the details surrounding the case. Additionally, no lawyers are assigned to defend the two young men and the families are unwilling to publicize the matter, most likely for reasons pertaining to upholding their honour, as other similar cases have suggested.
Reports circulating by various news sources and human rights websites indicate that there is a high possibility that Ayoub and Mosleh who are held in Orumiyeh prison will be transferred to Piranshahr to be stoned on January 21st. Although, no official date has been announced by authorities of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
One of the human rights groups, The Iranian Queer Organization (IRQO), issued a statement urging the Iranian people to intervene and prevent another tragedy that will wound the soul of the people in the country.
It is evident that regardless of the charge against Ayoub and Mosleh, stoning is an unacceptable and inhumane punishment. The reality is that two people are set to be stoned to death by the Islamic Republic of Iran, a regime that has executed at least 69 people since the beginning of 2011.
Since public pressure has proved effective in the past, international communities are urged to raise their voices louder against the barbaric acts of stoning and execution before more lives are snatched away.
Petition: Save the Life of Two Kurdish Young Men at Imminent Risk of Death by Stoning!