In a non-reactionary nationalism, the protection and preservation of the nation and all that which makes up her core identity is job one.
It must be emphasized, a nation, in its broadest term, is nothing but a community of people who share a common territory. In other word, without people there would be no nation, which makes the most valuable asset of any nation her people.
Given that set of definition, the nationalism some Iranians have, to say the least, is quite amusing.
When it comes to the name of an ancient body of water with an ancient name, which from time to time for political needling on as-needed basis the name is tweaked by the brotherly Arabs, a whole lot of Iranians get nationalistic.
However, when at the very same time hundreds upon hundreds of Iranian youths, including children, are literally sold to the same people who also have a hearty sexual appetite for little Iranian boys and girls, hardly a peep can be heard.
Another example, a whole lot of this type of nationalist Iranians are all for the “certain right” of Iran to the nuclear, wink wink, technology, and in doing so don’t care if it means for the current certifiably anti-Iran and Iranian IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic, to be ever more empowered by weaponized nuke. They argue, IRR will go “one day” and then Iran, “we” will be left with the gift of nuclear weapon.
However, when the lovely anti-Iran and Iranian soon to be nuclear power IRR rapes, maims and murders Iranian men, women and children around the clock 24/7, most of the same nuke loving people are not that interested or as vociferousas in the protection of the most basic “certain right” and the most valuable asset of the Iranian nation, her people.
They don’t even like to be reminded of the past “certain facts” like the mass murder of thousands of Iranians during the Prime Ministership of their current Islamist “reformist” prince. It is not the right time for that kind of talk right now, theses nationalist advise.
These type of nationalists are the works; they love all the wrong things and ignore the only thing which matters most, the Iranian people’s “ceratin right” to life.