One minute, Hosnai Mubarak’s party, which has ruled Egypt for over
three decades, says they are willing to open a dialogue with the
protesters who have flooded the streets of Egypt’s major cities for
three days, and the next minute, they will offer no concessions.
Wrong move.
Opposition leader and Nobel Prize winner Mohammed el Baradei is on
his way home to Egypt to lead the the movement to overthrow Mubarak’s
party. It is not a decision el Baradei would make if he thought he
would be gunned down on the tarmac by a military loyal to their
The protests have started in Yemen. It is not a question of if the
protests will spread across the Arab world, but which country will be
next. Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Dubai? Iran, again?
It is easy to say that the riots are simply food riots, caused by
rising prices and lowered government subsidies. That’s not completely
true. What we are witnessing in the Arab world is a perfect storm of
long-simmering ethnic and religious resentments, nations that should
never have come into existence, extreme economic inequities, higher
levels of broad education in the populace and, wait for it, the
It’s called the Arab world because of the armies of Islam that poured
out of Saudi Arabia and conquered North Africa in the 6th and 7th
centuries. Then the Musl… >>>