THE LAST PHARAOH: The Life and Death of Egypt’s Anwar El Sadat (25 Dec 1918 – 6 Oct 1981)

History will remember Egyptian President Anwar El Sadat  (25 December 1918 – 6 October 1981) as a man of Peace, a loyal friend to Iran’s Shah as well as a staunch foe to Khomeiny’s Islamic Fundamentalism. The Man of Peace was Assassinated by Fundamentalists On 6 October 1981. 

Sadat the Man of Peace was Assassinated by Fundamentalists On 6 October 1981, during the annual victory parade held in Cairo to commemorate Egypt’s crossing of the Suez Canal. A fatwā approving the assassination had been obtained from Omar Abdel-Rahman, a cleric later convicted in the US for his role in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing.



Shah of iran and Egyptian President Anwar El Sadat review iranian air force weaponry, 1970s:


Egyptian President Sadat talking about Islam & Khomeini of Iran:

Sadat Talking about Islam opposes it’s values to those of Iran’s Ayatollah Khomeini and what he calls “Khomeinism”.


President Sadat about to receive American Diplomats 1980’s assisted by Hosni Mubarak: 

Mubarak was to succeed to the Egyptian Raïs after the latter’s assassination during a military parade

During Which Mubarak was wounded.








Through the life of Anwar Sadat, Egypt’s former president, who was assassinated in 1981, and interviews 

with people who knew him, Al Jazeera tells the story of one of the most controversial men 

in history whose decisions still affect today’s world.

Part I:

Part II:











President Anwar Sadat say’s he told President Carter that wishes to greet the Shah in Egypt:


Khomeini Demands Shah from the U.S. for Release of Hostages:

Yasser Arafat – PLO Leader hails the Islamic Revolution and is Triumphed by Iranian crowd and leaders of the Provisional government ( Bazargan, Ebrahim Yazdi amongst others) :

Shah of Iran greeted by Anwar Sadat of Egypt sealing his Fate in the eyes of Islamists (Report by Mike Wallace):

Sadat Assassination on 6 October 1981 ( English Report):

Related Blogs:

Flynt and Hillary Mann Leverett on Iran ( On Charlie Rose)

Shah Of Iran & Anwar Sadat Posted by Tapesh

Recommended Readings:

 by Darius KADIVAR

Recommended Book: 

Those I Have Known by Anwar Sadat  

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