Denial of Rights In Iran

The United States has called on the Iranian government to halt executions based on flawed judicial processes that lacked transparency and had questionable motives.

The call by the U.S. comes after the execution late last month of an Iranian-born, naturalized Dutch citizen, Zahra Bahrami. Ms. Bahrami was arrested after anti-government demonstrations in 2009. Later, she was charged with drug trafficking. Reportedly she was tortured to confess to crimes which she later denied, and neither her daughter nor her lawyer was informed before she was hanged. Ms. Bahrami is one of several people recently executed in Iran who were arrested during protests that followed Iran’s disputed presidential elections.

A spokesman for Dutch Foreign Minister Uri Rosenthal called the hanging of Ms. Bahrami a “shocking act of a barbaric regime,” and the Dutch government has frozen ties with Iran.

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