First Lady’s message to Egyptians

“At this moment in time, we, the women of Iran, take pride in the fact that along with our sisters from brave struggling nations, we stand alongside all the courageous nations in lands under the rule of tyranny such as Egypt and Tunisia, [in the hope] that we can soon witness the realization of freedom and democracy.”

The above statement is not from a duly elected representative of the Iranian people.  It is a declaration from would be first lady of IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic. That is if her husband, the former two terms Prime Minister of IRR, had won the turf war.

Of course the “freedom and democracy” which she refers to is of special kind as well.

All three “leaders” of the Islamist Green Movement, meaning the former two terms president , her hubby and the former Speaker of their ersatz parliament, as they have repeatedly said so, all are jockeying for a return to the “golden era of the Imam” meaning the mass murderer Khomeini.

That Zahra Kazemi Rahnavard Mousavi gives herself the right to speak on behalf of Iranian people, in this case “women of Iran”, is not the point, all Islamists big and small feel they have the inalienable right to do so. The point is the “freedom and democracy” she is hoping to see elsewhere is the kind that is unique to the Islamists who have been ruling over Iran and Iranians for 32 years and counting.

For those who want to know what Islamists, inclining the would be first lady of IRR who is a lifelong devotee of charlatan Ali Shariati, mean by “freedom and democracy” watching the attached video of one of the three “leaders” of her faction could be beneficial.

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