“Zeitgeist: Moving Forward” is a movie produced by Peter Joseph which was screened last month in 60 countries and in 30 languages. The story is based on a new social structure proposed by Jacque Fresco who is still active at 95 years old.
A part of the movie features a friend, Dr. Behrokh Khoshnevis and his technology, Contour Crafting. Dr. Khoshnevis is a professor at USC and a graduate of Sharif University of Technology.
The movie is about behavior, susceptibility, life experiences, and economic paradigm.
It is wonderful to have people who have ability to think constructively and more importantly to come across people who care in this world.
Similar thoughts can be found at www.dhamma.org, for example, countless students over the centuries have invested their time and energy grappling with the question, “Is enlightenment ‘sudden’ or is it ‘gradual’?” These and other passages make the Buddha’s own view on the matter quite clear: The mind develops gradually, until it is ripe to make that sudden leap to awakening.