CUMMINS: What do I know, you know or anyone know?

Not much. Remember Donald Rumsfeld? He recently published his memoir
titled “Known and Unknown.” He was the Secretary of Defense guy, who
insisted we attack Iraq, topple Saddam within a month or two, and then
force democracy down their throat. Iraqis could choose to become
Democrats or Republicans and fight each other with minimal bloodshed.
Iraqis are not interested in our system. They already have two parties,
Sunni and Shia. Eight months later, I mean eight years, we’ve spent more
than $700 billion, lost more than 4,400 American lives and untold
Iraqis with estimates of more than 100,000.

If you haven’t written your memoir, start. The world needs to know what
you know, what you didn’t know, but wished you had and what you forgot.
Rumsfeld explained it like this, read carefully: “We know there are
known knowns, there are things we know. We also know there are unknowns;
that is to say, we know there are some things we do not know. But there
are also unknown unknowns — the ones we don’t know.” We’re fortunate
that our democracy is geared toward sending our best minds to
Washington. However, once there, they seem to lose it.

I know this, we’re borrowing money from China and sending part of it to
the Egyptian army. Time magazine says we send $3.5 million per day
despite the fact that Egypt is an unkn… >>>

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