Letter to Aljazeera Network: Please cover upcoming rally in Iran on Feb 14 2011


As you well know, there has been calls for a rally on the 14th of Feb 2011, in support of Egyptian uprising in Iran.   However the ruling regime of Iran, inspite of its claim to have a free society, and also a model for Egyptian freedom seekers,  has not as of yet allowed for such a rally.

As Iranians, we would like to invite Aljazeera Network, which has shown great courage in covering the uprising throughout Arab world with accuracy, deligence, objectivity and courage, to also cover the Iranian rally on the 14th of Janurary, fully.

The world, and in particular the Arab masses, must also see first hand, and  for themsevles if the claim of freedom by Islamic Regime, that Iranian are free, is true?  After all, if the Islamic Regime of Iran,  can not stand a rally in support of another nation, what would that tell us, about how free our people are to express their views about the regime?

Please do not leave us along at this critical times.



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