The real story about what’s going on in Egypt is being suppressed in the US because it doesn’t jibe with the “ain’t capitalism great” theme that the media loves to reiterate ad nauseam. The truth is that the economic policies that Washington exports to the rest of the world, have ignited massive labor unrest which has set the Middle East ablaze. Mubarak is the first casualty in this war against neoliberalism, but there will be many more to come. In fact, Mubarak’s resignation is probably just a sop to Egyptian workers, hoping that they’ll follow the military’s advice and sheepishly return to their sweatshops so fatcat CEOs in Berlin and Chicago can extract a few more farthings from their labor. But that probably won’t happen, because the 18 days in Tahrir Square has had a transformative affect on the consciousness of 80 million Egyptians who’ve suddenly “had enough”. The people have awaken from their slumber and now they’re ready to rumble.