Postmortem Basiji

Few days ago some Iranian men, women and children braved the very real probability of being raped, mutilated and murdered by IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic, and came out peacefully demonstrating against their slave masters and demanded emancipation.

That number of them, to date at least two have been identified by name, were gunned down by IRR forces is a matter of record.

It is also a matter of the record that an extraordinary effort was launched by IRR to  portray at least one of the murdered peaceful protesters, Sane’ Jhaleh–an Iranian Kurd from the city of Paveh who was attending the College of Fine Arts in Tehran– as a member of the detested Islamist Brownshirts, aka, Basij.

The usual Islamist bodysnatching has backfired. Not only the late Jhaleh’s college friends have made it their business to set the record straight as to him not being a member of the detested Basij, his family have done so as well.

In a telephone interview with VOA, the murdered student’s brother revealed they were under tremendous pressure by Islamist Rapists to toe the line and not to speak publicly about Sane’ not having been a detested Basij.

Now the brother, Ghane’ Jhaleh has been detained by the sodomy minded Islamist Rapists.

This Islamist practice of abusing the grieving families of its murdered victims needs to be condemned by all civilized people of the world. It is also on the sane world leaders to help Iranian people in their heroic struggle for emancipation.


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