
In the Middle East, it is the season of goodbyes to the status quo. Here are some goodbyes that matter to Iran and Iranians:

Goodbye to the notion that the enslaved Iranian men, woman and children have been raped, mutilated and murdered to the point of accepting status quo.

Goodbye to the pipedream of IRR, the Islamist Rapist Republic, being a “religious democracy” in the making.

Goodbye to the nonsense that the barbaric Islamist dogma is reformable, and by lifelong Islamists at that.

Goodbye to the lobbyists’ mission of presenting their weaponized nuke acquiring messianic Islamist Rapists client as self-preserving “pragmatists”, who the sane world can deal and negotiate with.

Goodbye to the clueless lefties’ false argument that in facing rampant capitalism and heartless Imperialism, Islamist ideology is filling the vacuum left by the collapse of the wimpy Communism.

Goodbye to the sweet dream of Islamists/anti-Semites and their likeminded lap poodles of lefty allies that, IRR will be joined by Arabs to do some final solution “wiping off the map” and “managing the world.” It turns out the Arabs hate and fear the Islamist Rapists the most.

Goodbye to the brief period that the pro weaponized nuke Islamists were able to fool some by posing as uber-nationalist.

The final goodbye many have been eagerly waiting to say to the departed barbaric Islamist dogma and its followers, “reformers” and all, hasn’t happened yet, then again, it is no longer the matter of if, only when and sooner than many might think.

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