With the help of the Iranian community and various other networks, I successfully completed 48 interviews in California this past January. I am currently in Hamburg, Germany in order to conduct 32 interviews here so that I can complete the research necessary for my PhD in Sociology.
In general, my research examines the experiences of Iranians while living in the United States and Germany, this includes their daily experiences at work or school, their adjustments to American and German culture, relationships with other Iranians and other immigrants, experiences with discrimination, and so forth. The interviews will take approximately 1 to 1.5 hours and they are anonymous. No personal information of yours will be published or recorded, no ones’ real names will be used, I have IRB (internal review board) permission.
My hopes are to conduct a total of 32 interviews here in Hamburg, 16 interviews with those born in Iran (first generation) and 16 interviews with those born in Germany (second generation). I would greatly appreciate the support of the Iranian community so that I can collect all my interviews. If you are interested in talking to me, or know of anyone that may be interested, please contact me at ssadeghi@temple.edu. Also, you can follow the following link to get further information about me and my research http://www.temple.edu/sociology/sadeghi/index.htm
Thank you in advance for your time and help.
Sahar Sadeghi