What I’ve learned recently at IC college

1.That a blogger who compared me to a Hezbollah for being Religious doesn’t like when people compare the Japan Disaster to other Disasters.Poor Thing.

1.5 California is Silly Silly! Yes indeed it’s a Joke.

2.Nowdays everyones a cartoonist.Some really are Cartoonist’s while others try like a writer who consistantly blogs about Womens rights and Freedoms yet compares the book that gave her those rights in the Christian West to the Quran.

3.When the BBC states quotes from a ‘secretive’ undisclosed letter: it’s a well known Fact I should be facing!

4.Not one single Iranian Leftie on this site will come admit the negative result of voting for Obama’s foreign policy on the Iranian people or the blatant result of that vote on the people of Libya.

5.No,No,No painting your face black is not Racist,’Mammy’ didn’t you know? It’s ok,it is but it isn’t.

5.5  All followers of the Abrahamic religions should be shot and elitist leftist’s scum should Die.That is quickly before I go for my jog.

6.The IRI is caught Red-Handed arming the Taliban and sending weapons to Hamas again.Remember to ignore this next time defending the IRI,bitching about the War or when complaining about the poor treatment of the Palestinians.

7. ZOIN or 2012 is Close enough to Zion conspiracy for me.By the way where is Zoin? And the latest hip term is it  ‘Zio-Hater’ or is it ‘Zoi-Hater’?

8.That I should be concerned for racism against Muslims because forget 9-11 they haven’t done anything since.Just a few failed attempts,come on..

9.Reza Aslan is a Expert on Islam who should be consulted for all matters Islamic but especially when investigating Islam in America. That’s something to be Proud of!

10..That I’m like a Fox with 4 tails in a HenHouse full of Chickens,dirty lowdown hateful loser! Oh my,my my…

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