Feeling Comfortable About IRI’s Nuclear Ventures? Hey Mr. Khamanei/Mr. Ahmadinejad: Please accept the fact that Iran is a 3rd world country in spite of all its natural resources (oil, natural gas, etc.) that either go into the Swiss bank accounts of the Pahlavis or the Swiss bank accounts of the Ayatollahs. Japan is the 1st world country and is now in shit situation with their nuclear reactors. So, is Iran with it’s 3rd world nuclear ambitions a safe place to live?
I suppose the answer is “Inshahlah”, or “Allah’o Akbar” – More Arab words than Persian ingenuity. Note that most of the Persian ingenuity has fled away from Iran due to IRI’s government and its constitution which is based on the outdated Ghoran and the Imam’s Valaayateh Ghabih — with no freedom for the people. Currently, Iran is nothing but a bunch of Chaaghookesh, Basijis, Laats, Revolutionary Guards — all paid by the Ayatollah’s regime to keep the Ayatollahs in power — Exactly what Ghadaffi is doing in Libya.