Obama Leads US into Another Illegal Quagmire in Libya

Today our beloved anti-war President and Nobel Peace Prize Winner–in chief announced that he has ordered military action against Libya. The great leader did this without mandatory congressional approval, which is required to attack a sovereign country. No doubt the Democrats (and their vocal anti-war activists) will “fully support the President” like the hypocritical sheep they are. When Bush was starting illegal wars in the Middle East it was wrong, immoral, and an impeachable offence. But now that good old Barry Obama is in office and has a D after his name, war is suddenly a virtuous action to protect civilians. The always reliable pro-war Republicans will start to denounce military action because war is only acceptable when a Republican President starts one. Wash. Rinse. Repeat. These are the pathetic and corrupt leaders you have elected.

One would think that two full scale wars would be enough for Barry, but evidently power has gone to his head and he wants to “show leadership” by blowing shit up. Hey it worked for George W. Bush who perfectly timed the Iraq war so that he could win re-election by campaigning as a wartime President.


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