Last Saterday I received an email from an Indian business contact who was greeting me Happy Holi !
I was wondering what was it about?! At first I thought he wanted to say happy norooz and made a typo mistake !
After a few search , I found that Hindus also celebrate spring and they call it Holi which is a religious festival. It is primarily observed in India, Nepal, Sri Lanka,[1] and countries with large Indic diaspora populations, such as Suriname, Malaysia, Guyana, South Africa, Trinidad, United Kingdom, United States, Mauritius, and Fiji. In West Bengal and Orissa of India it is known as Dolyatra (Doul Jatra) (Bengali: দোলযাত্রা), or Basanta-Utsav (“spring festival”)(Bengali: বসন্তোৎসব), . The most celebrated Holi is that of the Braj region, in locations connected to the Lord Krishna: Mathura, Vrindavan, Nandagaon, and Barsana. These places have become tourist destinations during the festive season of Holi, which lasts here to up to sixteen days.[2]
Amazing, doesn’t it ? Still another fact showing we share the same origin with Indian people who continue their route to India when Persian, Madian and Kurd stopped in Iran!
Happy Norooz to every body.