Test of Tolerance

How should we react to an idiot like Pastor Terry Jones? He finally carried out his threat to burn a copy of the Quran. The reaction we can expect is Muslim mobs kicking and screaming and burning American, Christian and Jewish symbols and killing a few “infidels” whenever and wherever they can in retaliation. This kind of reaction is far worse than actually insulting followers of other religions.

Insults hurt feelings and sensibilities. Violence, under any guise or excuse, inflicts physical harm, even death. Committing the former does in no way justify the latter. They are not equal or of the same kind.

Muslims, including Iranians (even non-religious Iranians), lag way behind in internalizing the concept of tolerance. No society can be truly free, dynamic and healthy without tolerating free expression. The U.S. constitution and culture that protect an olaagh like Pastor Jones also protects every citizen from the harshest criticism of anyone in power, from the president down to the local policeman. And Jesus too.

Instead of being outraged and bent out of shape over the burning of a book, Muslims should be far more angry at their rulers. What’s worse? Throwing you in jail for criticizing the head of state, or insulting Islam? Being stoned for adultery, or insulting Islam? Not having basic human rights, or insulting Islam? Raping protesters, or insulting Islam? Having an absolute tyrant in power, or insulting Islam? Treating women like cattle, or insulting Islam? Persecuting hundreds of thousands of Bahais for their beliefs, or insulting Islam?

If the Islamic world was dominated by democratic governments where free speech was tolerated, Muslims would change their focus to more important issues that have a real impact on their life and livelihood. Just look at Muslims in democratic societies. Their reaction towards Pastor Jones is somewhere between annoyance and indifference. The protection of free speech, including firm laws against violent retaliation, has taught them that you can’t just beat someone on the head for how they think or express themselves.

Burning Quran BAD. Violent retaliation many many many times WORSE.

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