Having murdered Khomeini’s son, Khamenei could not allow later concessions to reform

It’s been over a decade since Ayatollah Khomeini’s son died. The cause–if you can believe this regime–was “a surprise heart attack.“ The dead man’s family obviously disagrees. Of course the family has learned to be circumspect these days having become as vulnerable as anyone. By contrast, the victim often complained in public about Khamenei’s authoritarian tendencies.

The Iranian people have seen enough public crimes recently to agree that Khamenei has no scruples whatsoever. If given the evidence below, they must conclude that his is a man who wouldn’t hesitate to murder anyone who posed a potential threa assuming there were no other way to “neutralize” the target.

The need to conceal Khamenei’s crimes–especially this one–may best explain the regime’s adamancy against reform. A free press is an essential component of reform. Once freed, journalists would poke into dark corners. The possibility that they might find anything at all pointing was both probable and unthinkable.  The Islamic Republic could not survive a free media. vEven conservative neighborhoods would turn on the regime if this crime became widely known.


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