The Afghani Riot over the Koran Burning

I am disturbed by the raw violence every time the Koran is burned or an image of Mohammad is drawn is a newspaper. This time angry Afghani protestors entered a UN compound, killing 7 of its staff. If they did it to stop the burning of the Koran, they will probably encourage the extremists in the West, such as Terry Jones and Wayne Sapp, even more to set alight the Islamic symbols.


When Mohammad marched on Mecca after his exile in Medina, he demolished all statutes and symbols of the Arab gods and goddesses. He condemned the worshiping of symbols, and made the Ka’ba a place of prayers for his disciples, but he was careful never to make it an excessive symbol of God or the religion. But the extremists Muslims of today have made the person of Mohammad or the Koran extravagant symbols of their religion. Any criticism of Mohammad or Islam is considered an affront and a ticket for a violent response.

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