On Racism

Recently many people had been calling one another racist. I want to
explore this issue. Here are some questions with my own interpretations. I like to get your input and feelings. What do you think and please lets keep the insults out.

What is racism?

[VPK] Racism is putting one race above another race. It does not matter what race you put above


Does racism mean hating another race.

[VPK] No.! Many racist slave owners had strong positive feelings for the slaves. There was even real love between some where the owner actually loved the “slave” but was unable to openly admit it due to situations. An example was Strom Thurmond the racist Senator from South Carolina. He had a daughter from a black mother named Essie Mae Washington-Williams. Thurmond paid for all her expenses including college. According to his staff I quote “The young mixed-race woman had been granted a degree of access to Thurmond more appropriate to a family member than to a member of the public”. It is pretty clear that Thurmond loved Essie as a man loves his daughter. The Thurmond family formally acknowledged her as Strom’s daughter in 2003. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strom_Thurmond#Anothe… is the link if you want to:

Does considering another race superior to your own make you racist?

[VPK] Yes. Another example of a racist not hating the other race. Many Iranians used to consider the Europeans superior. This is just as racist as thinking some other race inferior. In fact many racists have sort of a pecking order. Their own race may fall somewhere in between. 

What is the relation of Nationalism and racism if any.

[VPK] None for a multi racial nation. It is a problem if racial purity. Iran is so mixed race that no Iranian Nationalist could make a case for any race. My own family has Persian; Turk; Mongol; Arab genes. I know because I can tell both from history and from looks. Nevertheless we are all nationalist Iranians. We could care less if you have gense from whatever race. 

Is racism inherent or a learned habit.

[VPK] It is a learned habit. We all know how kids of different races play fine. It is the parents who are the problem.

Does refusing to mix with other races make you a racist. Even if you do not consider them better or worse.

[VPK] Not sure. Why do the Parsi not marry outside their group? They know it is ruining their gene pool and creating inbreeding. But they stick to it anyway. What do you people think?

Is it possible for the victim of racism to also be racis

[VPK] Yes.

Are Iranians for most part racist in general and in particular against Arabs and vice versa

[VPK] It is hard to tell. Our language is filled with things like “Turke-Khar”; “Az Bikh Arab”; “Noker Aghat Siyah Bood”. But does this mean we are racist or just have these expressions? In action Iranians are more than willing to mix with other races. One of my grandmothers was 100% Turk. That did not stop my blue eyed grandfather from marrying her. My aunt married an Iranian with obvious Mongolian features. No one minded. As for Arabs yes I think there are Iranians who do not like Arabs. But it goes both ways. Many Arabs hate Iranians too. This is very unfortunate as like it or not we are neighbors. The proof I have is the Palestinians siding with Saddam in spite of all IR did for them. However the hate is a lot less than the one between Arabs and Israeli which also goes both ways.

Why is racist being use so much? 

[VPK] I think this is just a way silence people. Many people have learned that if you are losing the argument then attack the person. 

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