Fresh, Hot Clips

While working on the new version of, which should be up and running by the end of this summer, I thought of trying something new.

The film strip on top of the front page gets fresh content every 24 hours or so. The seven boxes are usually linked to pages with youtube videos about subjects ranging from politics to culture to plain goofiness.

But many new and interesting videos show up almost every hour and it would be wrong to wait 24 hours to show them to you.

From today the far-right box on the film strip will be reserved for the latest video clips we can find, but they will be featured on the front page only for an hour or two. The best of these clips will be re-featured in one of the other boxes for the usual 24-hour period so more people can see them.

I for one can’t wait 24 hours to see something fresh. I don’t think you can either. So keep your eyes open for that corner box on the right for the freshest, hottest clips.

Let’s see how it works out.


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