Ahmadinejad is on a Sabbatical!

Since the rather abrupt and unannounced disappearance of Ahmadinejad from the public eye more than a week ago, the world press have been asking this question; “Where is Ahmadinejad and what is he up to?”

So I decided to find out for myself.

Here is what I came up with but I am sure that there are more ideas out there. So please don’t hold back and let’s hear them!

1. After attending the Royal wedding, he is fox hunting with the Royals in the English countryside!

2. He is on a sabbatical in south of France writing his memoires!

3. Ahmadinejad and the Mrs., after renewing their wows are enjoying their second honeymoon on the cruise ship Star Clipper in the Mediterranean!

4. He is in New York auditioning for the next season’s “Dancing with the Stars” partnering with lovely Anna Trebunsakaya!

5. Ahmadinejad, upon the insistence of his pregnant girlfriend is attending a Lamaze class and is bonding with other soon-to-be-fathers! Don’t forget to breathe out!

6. Upon learning that the Republican Presidential candidates for 2012 are not that strong, he is in Iowa throwing his hat into the ring and getting ready for the Republican Caucuses!

7. He is checking out the senior citizen homes in Florida and is learning how to play golf!

8. He is in LA at the care of a famous plastic surgeon getting a few things done!

9. In partnership with Iron Chef Morimoto, he is opening a new sushi-kabobi concept restaurant in the wine country!

10. After falling in love with the Abominable Snowman, he now happily lives in the woods of Saskatchewan!

The picture above is Playboy’s Miss Airport for January 2011!

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