Ahmadinejad was not happy about the way Rahbar had treated him after he dismissed the Information Minister. So he decided to go away and not talk to Rahbar for a while. He ended up on Kish Island on the Persian Gulf with his family for a well-deserved vacation. Rahbar finally called him and they agreed that they needed to get along and save the Regime. Rahbar said that he was willing to show a conciliatory move by going to Kish and bring Ahmadi back!
Ahmadi and Rahbar were all relaxed and sitting at the beach front Hotel Hoseinieh catching some rays and patching things up. Rahbar had taken his robe off and was in his stripped pajamas. Ahmadi wore his Members Only trunks! The wives Zaeefeh and Safiheh were in their stylish French Burkinis playing beach volleyball over in the women’s section of the beach when the Basiji waiter came. He brought two cold virgin piña colada Sandis and placed it on the table and then quietly gave Ahmadi and Rahbar the news.
“Last night the Global Arrogance killed Bin Laden and then in complete adherence with the Islamic tradition put his body in a white coffin and dropped it in the Sea of Eden off the coast of Yemen.”
Ahmadi and Rahbar looked scared. But then they decided to keep face in front of the Basiji waiter and the staff and went for a dip in the shallow waters. After a few minutes of quiet and reflection, Ahmadi saw a white thing floating on the water and coming towards them. “We are in luck Rahbar! Here comes the dinner fresh from the sea!”
As they approached the white floating thing they realized that it was the bullet riddled body of a man with a bottle around his neck. There was a message in the bottle.
“You suckers better be careful now and don’t kill innocent people! You might be next. If I were you, I would sleep with my eyes open!”
Here is Summer Time by Renee Olstead.