The United States should pressure Iran to respect freedom of its citizens and stop its severe acts of human rights abuse. A firm stance by president Obama and his administration along with the US Congress will bring renewed courage to the Iranian street demonstrators further weakening the theocratic rule and prevent spread of fundamentalism as the Arab Spring thrusts forward.
The all new infighting among the highest levels of the Iranian regime between Ayatollah Khamaneie and President Ahmadinejad brings to surface a deeply rooted and historic power struggle that has infested the Islamic Republic since the day one.
The power struggle came in to existence on the day of inception of the Islamic republic by Ayatollah Khomeini right after he toppled Mohammad Reza Shah’s regime back in 1979. It has alienated important chunks and factions of the regime through the years.
The fact is that the mullahs’ backward ideology has totalitarianism embedded within. That means only one man (and by that we really mean a man) can have all the saying. That’s in fact the Grand Ayatollah Khomeini’s Doctrine of government of Velayat-e-Faghih. That mean the Supreme Leader can veto whatever the public says. That law was later introduced into the Islamic Republic’s constitution.
Bazargan, the Prime Minister of the interim government right after the revolution was the first to fall through the crack. He was fo… >>>