Ron Paul to Israel: I want to cut off US foreign aid to you!

Ron Paul to Israel: I want to cut off US foreign aid to you! At last night’s Fox News GOP presidential debate, Ron Paul was the clear star. The audience would, for the most part, applaud the loudest at anything and everything he said, but that was mostly due to his few followers in the audience, his acolytes called the Paul-ites. They would always applaud the loudest, creating the fake impression that Paul had broad, GOP support. Paul’s debate performance was also noteworthy for another reason: His hostility towards Israel. He said that he wants to cut off all foreign aid the US distributes, which would hit Israel particularly hard since it currently is the number one recipient of US foreign aid.

Of course, Paul and his band of merry and fanatical followers called Paul-ites like to spin their hostility towards Israel by couching it in devious terms, but we still know hostility to Israel when we see it. In example, the way that Paul argued his anti-Israel, anti-foreign aid point last night was to claim that he didn’t want the US t… >>>

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