Sasani Warrior

Ardeshir Radpour was born in Tehran Iran in November of 1969 and moved to the United States in 1977 as the revolution was taking hold. As a Zoroastrian Persian sharing a tradition going back to the time of Cyrus the Great, Ardeshir has strived to keep alive and promote the proud history of the Ancient Persians. As a child he was exposed to horses in Iran with Uncles and Cousins who were accomplished equestrians and a great uncle was an officer in the Reza Shah’s Cavalry and a polo player. Growing up in the United States his real opportunity came while at USC when he was formally introduced to the sport of Polo and more importantly his mentors in the sport, Sue Sally Hale and Stormie Hale. His Studies in classics, his formal training in the classical arts of horsemenship and his background in the martial arts makes him one of the most qualified experts in classical military history and the cavalry arts >>>


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