How Genuinely Democratic and Representative was the Parliament in Pahlavi Iran ?

TV Host Ali Limounati interviews former veteran Journalist Mustapha Alamouti who was also MP of the Iranian Parliament during the Pahlavi Dynasty. Discussion centers on the Genuine Powers of the Parliament eversince the Constitutional Revolution.

Part I:

Part II:




The Shah’s Speech:

The Shah acknowledges the Voice of Revolution whilst refusing to abdicate he pledges to Respect the Constitution to the Letter
Once Calme and Order are restored.

The Last Prime Minister:

Shahpour Bakhtiar gives his last public interview as Prime Minister prior to Khomeiny’s Arrival.

Bakhtiar Demonstrations in support of the Constitution of 1906 (1979):

Iranians vote in National Referandum for a new Islamic Constitution:


RESTORATION ? If So on what Grounds
and Conditions can a New Social Contract 
emerge in a Post IRI Iran between
the governing body and the People ?



Bakhtiar in his last public appearance two years before his assassination advocates REGIME CHANGE based on RESTORATION of the 1906 Constitution:

Crown Prince Reza’s message on the Anniversary of the 1906 Constitutional Revolution in Iran:

Related Pictory:

pictory: Bakhtiar Denounces Bazargan’s Provisionary Government in exile(1979)
 (Video Footage)


Other Related Pictory:

PARLIAMENTARY DEMOCRACY: Mozaffaredin Shah Signs First Draft of the Constitution (1906)

PARLIAMENTARY DEMOCRACY: First Public Gathering of the Iranian Majlis (1906)

PARLIAMENTARY DEMOCRACY: Shah Delivers Speech to Parliament (1951)

Related Blogs:

ROYAL FORUM: Explaining the Concept of a Constitutional Monarchy to a Staunch Republican

How Truly Democratic And Stable Is The British Monarchy?

CONSTITUTIONALIST FORUM: Daryoush Homayoun Political and Journalistic life Honored in Germany

Other Related Blogs:

HISTORY FORUM: Nader Naderpour on Iran’s Constitutional Revolution and European Rennaissance (1996)

THE PAST IS A FOREIGN COUNTRY: How Would You Evaluate Iran’s Democracy Index in 1953 ?

Political Pluralism and Freedom of Press in Pahlavi Iran

PAN IRANIST: Pezeshkpour objects to Shah’s decision on Bahrain Independence (1971)

RESTORATION: Shapour Bakhtiar advocates Restoring the Monarchy

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