Are Libyan rebels backed by Saudi Arabia or Iran?

Saudi Arabia is not the only country that the Libyan conflict has put in an awkward position. Tehran has tried to balance support for the Libyan opposition, which it views as part of a region-wide “Islamic awakening,” with rejection of the Nato-led military strikes.

Keeping in with their anti-Western outlook, Iranian officials still insist that the U.N.-endorsed military intervention on humanitarian grounds is hypocritical and part of a secret Western agenda. Tehran has made no secret of the fact that it opposes any military intervention in the Middle East, even if in Iran’s interest, and had also opposed the 2003 U.S. invasion of Iraq, despite the fact Saddam Hussein was Iran’s main adversary in the region.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad confirmed Iran’s anti-intervention attitude and said: “The intervention of some European countries and America in the regional nations increases concern and makes circumstances more complicated.”

“The double standard action of the Western countries in Bahrain and Libya and their silence towards the atrocities of the Zionist regime against the innocent Palestinians shows their contradictory performance in the world.”

However its seems that the person who illustrates the best Iran’s dichotomist position is the Supreme Leader Ayato… >>>

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